Third Day
Seven Day Jesus and All Star United
Fall Tour 1996
Fairhaven Church - Dayton, OH
Sept. 25th, 8:00 p.m.
Be There!!
Statement of Faith and Purpose
The Third Day/Seven Day Jesus/All Star United Fall Tour is a musical performance ministry striving to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the salvation found through faith in Him. The three bands on this tour, individually and collectively, hold to the belief that there is absolutely nothing that we can do to achieve salvation by or through any of our own merits. Salvation is found only through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and by His abundant grace.
The bands on this tour, representing people from various denominational backgrounds, want to lift up Jesus (not a particular style of worship or dogma) through their performances, attitudes and lifestyles. Whatever good comes from the endeavors of this tour and its ministry can only be attributed to the grace and provision of God. All praise belongs to Christ alone, we are but His servants.
Canned Food Drive
As a means of tangibly impacting the markets that this tour travels through, we are asking everyone who attends the concerts to bring a canned food item with them. This food will be collected and distributed through a church or mission to hungry families in the concert area. We hope that concertgoers will join us in this effort to combat hunger and show the love of Christ to those less fortunate during the Thanksgiving season.
Please bring a canned good!!
Tickets are available at Dayton, OH area Christian retailers or call 1-800-521-0290 or , in the Columbus area, (614)965-9705
Fairhaven Church is located at 637 E. Whipp Rd. Dayton, OH. For additional information call (513)254-1126.
See You there!!
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